
. . . trimming the door cards.

The only part of the whole operation I realised I would not be able to do myself was sewing the seam between the grey vinyl face of the armrest and the cloth top. This had to be very accurately sewn - far beyond me. I asked my trimmer friend Darren (who trimmed the seats) to do the sewing, and then fitted the covers myself, using spray glue on the top, and the self adhesive foam to keep the lower part of the vinyl in place, then gluing the edges around the back.

I then peeled the paper off the self-adhesive on the main cards and used it to stick down the Mint cloth, gluing the edges on the back. I had already stuck grey vinyl behind where the pockets would go on the front. For this area on the back cards (where it is more visible) I used grey vinyl paint to restore some pieces of the original 'ribbed' vinyl taken from some old door cards.

I rubbed down and used the same paint on the plastic door pockets (which were very discoloured). These were attached using the stainless steel trim tabs at the top, but I rivetted gey plastic angle around the bottom (and on to the back of the main panel). Originally this had been attached with a heat-welded strip of plastic.